• What blocks have stood in the way of you reaching your potential?

  • What labels have you worn that no longer serve you?

  • What is your energetic imprint and how can we bring more of your perfectly unique medicine into the world?

Your gifts are so needed at this time. I am here to illuminate and magnify the potential which has always existed within you and guide any fragmented aspects of the self back to wholeness.


Do you ever look at people and feel the bittersweet journey of their soul through a glance? I do. What they have loved and also what they have lost shines through in their eyes. As a mentor and guide I am here to help you return to your radiance, embody your sovereign divinity and amplify your power and magnetism so you can live the life of your dreams. You are already destined for greatness. I am here to help you remember.

As an ancient soul, my heart broke early and I crumbled in a world that felt strange and unfamiliar. The density of the planet felt deeply insensitive to my spirit and because of the trauma I experienced, I was initiated into a path of healing and self-discovery early on. My hardships and moments of defeat propelled me to rise into my sovereignty and become the victor of my life. These moments of complete and utter annihilation were my potent initiations and as I learned how to turn my liabilities into assets, I discovered the diamond light within my heart and it begged for me to show others how to do the same.

I am here to remind you that deep within the heart of your suffering lies your most exquisite gifts. I am here to remind you that nothing can stand in your way when you walk in alignment with the divine. Some of the gifts I resource in session work include telepathy, clairvoyance, reading energy, and intuitive healing. I am able to transfer Divine Energy which can raise your vibrational frequency, expand your consciousness, and help activate your full potential. All of these modalities can effectively be offered at a distance.